Comune di Montecchio Maggiore


Scavo foresta fossile

The Natural History section of the Museum conducts research mainly in the fields of paleontology and mineralogy. In both fields the area of interest is local and focuses mainly to the the Lessini and Berici Mts (Vicenza, northern Italy).
The research is performed by: members of the Friends of the Museum "G. Zannato "; scientific experts; staff of both Italian and foreign Universities and research institutions. Their work is coordinated by the Museum staff, under the supervision of the Scientific Committee of the Museum-and Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici del Veneto

The results of this research are published in paper "Studi e Ricerche" and in various Italian and international scientific journals.


At the laboratory of the Museum determinations of minerals are performed, using equipment such as infrared spectrophotometer (IR), polarizing microscope (both provided by the Association of Friends of the Museum), binocular microscopes, equipment for chemical microanalysis

Study room

The Museum has an equipped space to allow experts and students to carry out research on materials of the Museum, in agreement with the curators.

Sala StudioLaboartorio MineralogiaLocandina Workshop

Address and opening times


Villa Lorenzoni, Piazza Marconi, 17
Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza)
Tel. 0444/492565 - Fax 0444/496109


sabato 15.00 - 18.30
domenica 9.30 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 18.30.

The Museum is usually open on bank holidays (please call to make sure) and by appointment for groups

Admittance: € 3,00
Under 18 and over 60 years old: € 2,00
Up to 10 years old: free