"Friends of the Museum"

The group in support of the scientific and activities of the Museum Zannato from 1992.

History of the Association

The “Friends of the Museum” association was founded in 1992 by a group of paleontologist and mineralogist amateurs. In the following years, activities and research topics increased and, nowadays, they are involved in the study and promotion of archeology, botanic, entomology and in many other natural sciences.

The association collaborates with the Municipal Amministration of Montecchio Maggiore and the “Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici del Veneto”.


Some noteworthy activities of association are the excavations in Lovara (under the direction of prof. De Guio), the excavation of Castelgomberto (where many fossil palms were extracted), the excavation of  the Castles of Montecchio (where a village from the Pre-Roman age was excavated), the excavation of a roman villa from the parking of the hospital of Montecchio (where Hunnic grave goods were discovered in the Canova quarry).


The association provides a laboratory of mineralogical analysis with infrared spectrophotometer under the guidance of expert minaralogists, microscopes and other tools for analyses.


For historical and practical reasons, the Group’s action focuses on the province of Vicenza and in particular on the municipalities that are part of the Museum District: Montecchio Maggiore, Brendola, Trissino, Castelgomberto, Montorso, Arzignano, Montebello, Sovizzo and Zermeghedo.

However, some trips outside the region are not excluded: among all, it is enough to mention the two very pleasant excursions in search of alluvial gold in the Elvo and Orba streams (in Piedmont).

Deep Time Crabs

Conceived and promoted by the Friends of the Zannato Museum, the film documents the research cleaning and study activities that the group of scholars has been carrying out for years with the aim of safeguarding and enhancing the paleontological, especially carcinological, heritage of the Vicenza area. A completely unprecedented immersion in an aquatic world that no longer exists. An emotional journey into the chronological abysses of deep time.

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