Research area

The Natural History section of the Museum conducts research mainly in the fields of paleontology, mineralogy and entomology. In these fields the area of interest is primarly local and focuses mainly to the the Lessini and Berici hills (Vicenza, Northern Italy).

The scientific research is carried out by the staff of the museum, members of the “G. Zannato” Association of Friends of the Museum, external researchers and scientific consultants, and staff of Italian and foreign universities and research institutions. Their work is supervised by the Scientific Committee of the Museum-System Agno-Chiampo and by the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Verona, Rovigo and Vicenza.

The results of this research are published in paper “Studi e Ricerche”, which is promoted by the Association, the Museum and in various Italian and international scientific journals.

The Museum “G. Zannato”, with the collaboration of Natural History Museum of Milan, was the promoter of “1° Workshop on Mesozoic and Tertiary Decapod Crustaceans” at Villa Cordellina-Lombardi of Montecchio Maggiore in 2000 and it collaborated in the following editions. 

Laboratories and scientific facilities

The Museum is provided of a laboratory for the study of relics and specimens, minerals and fossils with:

  • infrared spectrophotometer (IR)
  • polarizing microscope
  • binocular microscopes
  • equipment for chemical microanalysis

Papers, Studies and Researches

Scientific publications of the Museum and the Friends of the Museum "G. Zannato "

From 1994 the museum publishes a periodical scientific journal, Studi e Ricerche, as well as a series of monographs and articles of a naturalistic or archaeological interest. In these publications are presented  researches on mineralogy, fauna, flora and archeology pertinent to the Veneto region, focused mainly on the Vicenza area.

Published volumes
from 1994
Scientific papers
about the area

Citizen Science



There are currently two scientific projects in which everyone can participate and contribute by exploring the area and recording the species observed through the platform inaturalist

The Nature of Monte Nero

Active since 2021, it collects the observations of animals and plants present on Monte Nero in Montecchio Maggiore, a fragile and very particular ecosystem, well known since historical times, but whose evolution needs new data and a continuous monitoring.

I The beetles of Colli Berici

Active since 2021 as a collaboration between the Naturalistic Archaeological Museum of Vicenza, the Friends of the Museums of Vicenza and the Zannato Museum, it aims to compile an Atlas of Coleoptera of Berici. It collects all the historical and recent reports of coleopteran insects present in the Berici Hills area.

Scientific Outreach

DEEP TIME CRABS is a documentary conceived and promoted by the Friends of the Zannato Museum, the film documents the research cleaning and study activities that the group of scholars has been carrying out for years with the aim of safeguarding and enhancing the paleontological heritage, especially carcinological, of the Vicenza area. A completely unprecedented immersion in an aquatic world that no longer exists. An emotional journey into the chronological abysses of deep time

Studi e Ricerche News

Research and scientific discoveries published in the journal are narrated by the authors in science pills in the  youtube channel.

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