- museum about the territory
Archeology and Natural Sciences
An archeological section, from Prehistory to High Middle Ages, with unique finds of the area of Vicenza. A naturalistic section of international relevance with one of the most significant paleontological collection of the entire Veneto region.

Municipality of
Municipality of
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Municipality of
Municipality of
Montebello V.
Municipality of
Montecchio M.
Municipality of
Municipality of
Municipality of
Municipality of
- TEN municipalitIES, one network, one museum
Archeological and Natural Sciences Museum "G. Zannato"

Agno-Chiampo Museum Network
Il Sistema Museale Agno-Chiampo (Agno-Chiampo Museum Network) is a joint initiative undertaken by ten neighbouring towns in the western part of the province of Vicenza, with the purpose of managing more effectively and efficiently the archaeological and naturalistic heritage of the area.

Friends of "G. Zannato" Museum Association
The Friends of “G. Zannato” Museum Association has always supported the museum with various forms of collaboration, together with independent scientific research projects.

Exhibits and events at the Museum
The Museum organizes and promotes regularly divulgative and scientific projects to enhance the collections and the territorial heritage.
- Minerology
- Paleontology
- Ancient Venetians
- Roman Age
- Longobard
- Learn more...
- Studies and Researches Journal
- Journey into the past
- Museum Guide
- Materials of the Lombards Age
- Crustaceans
- Learn more...

- STUDIES AND RESEARCHES from the territory
Studies and Researches
The Scientific journal of the Museum and of the Friends of Museum association
It talks about mineralogical, paleontological, faunistical, floristical and archeological nature of Veneto area and, in a particular way, Vicenza.
Soon we will publish the whole list of publications and numbers of the Museum
- Projects for the school
Educational activities of the Museum
The Museum offers didactic activities for the schools of the not only for the Vicenza province.
The common strategy to the various proposals favors direct approach to the material exhibited in the Museum and experimentation activities, in order to actively involve pupils in the process of building knolowedge

a.s. 2021-2022
The Museum offers educational activities non only for the school of the Vicenza administration.
Archeology, from the Ancient Veneti to the Roman epoc, Natural Science (paleontology, mineralogy, botanic, ecc.) and Route in the territorial itineraries and in the natural site of the all municipalities of the network.
Download the catalog (pdf)
Museo Zannato is part of the AltoVicentino Museum Network, a cultural project aimed at promoting and enhancing the museum heritage, both public and private, of a vast area of the province of Vicenza. The museum network, active since 2001, now sees the participation of 17 administrations and more than 50 museums, permanent exhibitions, sites, visitor centers and botanical or historical gardens. A cultural offer, rich and diversified, that today represents an effective tool for intervention and promotion of the cultural, economic, social and tourist identity of the upper Vicenza area.