- Sistema museale agno chiampo (Agno-Chiampo Museum Network)
Ten municipalities
for the Museum
With the purpose of optimize the management of archeological and naturalistic heritage of the west Vicenza area.

Sistema Museale Agno-Chiampo (Agno-Chiampo Museum Network) is a joint initiative undertaken by ten neighbouring towns in the western part of the province of Vicenza, with the purpose of managing more effectively and efficiently the archaeological and naturalistic patrimony of the area: Arzignano, Montecchio Maggiore, Montebello, Brendola, Sovizzo, Castelgomberto, Zermeghedo, Montorso, Trissino, Sarego.
The ten towns are formerly related from the mark of a special agreement.
The Museum
Created in 2001 by a joint initiative of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Veneto and seven municipalities, it expanded in 2005 with the accession of Sovizzo, then Brendola in 2006 and finally Sarego in 2022.
In 2007 the Museum was then rearranged, doubling its space and fully realizing its vocation as an exhibition center for the entire territory of the Museum System. It currently consists of 12 rooms, five of which are dedicated to archaeology and seven to natural sciences.
System management
The System is collegially managed through various departments:
- System Assembly approves annual and pluriannual and makes the most significant choices; a working group manages the relations between all the Municipalities with the staff of the Museum, in order to solve the many practical small problems of management.
- Scientific Committee, composed from the experts of other Museums, from the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Veneto and from Universities of Padua, guarantees the scientific seriousness of each project and activity.
System Assembly
It is made up of Mayors and Cultural Councilor of the participating Municipalities. The president is the Major of Montecchio Maggiore.
Scientific Committee
- Marisa Rigoni (coordinator) – Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Veneto
- Annachiara Bruttomesso – Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Veneto
- Roberto Zorzin – Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona
- Angela Ruta Serafini – Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Veneto
- Federico Zorzi – Dip. Geoscienze, Università di Padova
- Paolo Mietto – Dip. Geologia, Università di Padova
The staff of the Museum
- Roberto Battiston – Curator for Natural Sciences
- Anna Scalco – Curator for Archeology