Many villages with basement houses developed on the foothills between the Adige and Brenta rivers during the Iron Age, reaching the maximum density between the 5th and 4th centuries BC.
In the area of the Agno and Chiampo rivers Iron Age villages have been identified in Montebello, Trissino and Montecchio Maggiore.
Earthenware vessels, along with bronze and iron artifacts, testify the bright economic life of Trissino village and its economic and cultural relations with the Veneto plain towns and the Rethic world. We highlight in particular a crushed cista (large cylindrical container made of bronze), intended to be melted for metal recycling.
On the Castelli hill in Montecchio Maggiore, ritual deposits with rich offerings have been identified, as well as other findings documenting the presence of a settlement. A small votive bronze plate representing a warrior and a fibula arch reused as a pendant confirms the presence of a worship place near Romeo’s castle.
An iron axe for timber comes from Carbonara, near Montecchio Maggiore.